
Sunday, July 29, 2012

How Calculate Air Conditioning Needs and Capacity

While we would like to install air conditioning in the room, sometimes we are confused and do not know how the need for the room and at what capacity.
There, the room is too cold or less cold that caused us the room was uncomfortable.

Here I will try to help to calculate how the needs and capacities needed for the room.

Hopefully this can help you.

Definition :

BTU stands for British thermal unit.
1 Btu is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound (about 454 grams) of air as much as 1 degree Fahrenheit.
143 Btu required to melt 1 pound of ice

Formula :

BTU requirement = (L x W x H x I x E) / 60 
L = Length of room (in feet)
W = Width of room (in feet)
I = value of 10 if the insulated space (located in the basement, or coincide with other rooms).
          Value of 18 if space is not insulated (upstairs).
Space H = Height (in feet)
E = value of 16 if the longest north-facing wall;
          Value of 17 if facing east;
          Value of 18 if facing south;
          Value of 20 if facing west.
1 Meter =  3,28 Feet

AC Capacity by PK:

AC ½ PK    =  ±  5.000 BTU/h
AC ¾ PK    =  ±  7.000 BTU/h
AC 1 PK     =  ±  9.000 BTU/h
AC 1½ PK  =  ±12.000 BTU/h
AC 2 PK     =  ±18.000 BTU/h

So I am writing this and hopefully be able to help you. If there is a shortage, I would like Sorry and hope for a better input for the future.

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